West Highland Way Race

Here is a blog from a runner of the West Highland Way Race, Sandra Beattie. Sandra, who is the wife of Race Director Ian, wrote this about her run in 2015. You can also watch a video interview with Sandra and Ian in the ‘Along the Way’ section of this exhibition.

When it all comes together.

This might be long, so go grab a drink. 

Having spent the week before the race worrying about not being worried, suddenly it was time to pack. I took it down a notch and only packed what I thought I'd need – still looked an awful lot for a small person though. But hey, better to have stuff "just in case," eh?  

As we drove up to Milngavie Ian asked me again how I was feeling. Chilled I said. And I genuinely was. Got to hotel and Ian went off in search of car charger for his phone and I kicked back and read my book. Susan & Nick (my wonderful crew) had arrived earlier that day and went for a run from Drymen to Balmaha and back. Very kind of them to do Conic Hill twice so they could feel at least some of the pain I'd be feeling later in the race. They arrived back, showered and off we went for dinner. I was starving by then as had only had a ham roll all day. We all had starters and mains and Susan and I both had 2 large glasses of Merlot each.  Went down a treat.


Ian transferred all my kit from our car into Nick’s, then went off to do what a Race Director does.  Back to hotel for a wee nap and then it was time to go register. Arrived to find a huge queue. When I’d registered last year folk just trickled in over a couple of hours - never seen queues like this. I had requested number 22, this was to remind me of my goal.  Would seem that people were pretty keen, good sign. Then it was back to the hotel to welcome the rest of my crew - my boy Stephen and his girlfriend, Gillian. They arrived then went off to grab a coffee while the rest of us grabbed a couple of hours sleep.  

Alarm went off at 11.40pm - got up, dressed, brushed teeth and pigtailed up. Squirt of Chanel No 5 and I was ready to race. In car I was asked again how I felt. Totally chilled was my answer. I was actually really starting to worry about how calm I felt. We arrived to find the usual electric atmosphere. Managed to catch up with quite a few people and hand out hugs and good luck wishes wherever I could.

After Ian and Sean did their briefing, I got a couple of pics with my crew and gave one last kiss to Ian before lining up ready to start.  A few months ago I had mailed my crew and said I wanted sub22. My training had been going really well. The week in Spain at Donnie’s training camp had given me a huge boost after a pretty bad start to the year with constant niggles stopping me in my tracks, I was feeling good and feeling fit. I knew my weaknesses and had overcome them by doing training where I needed work.

Ian dug out his splits from when he did similar time and we talked them over and figured out where I needed to be and what I needed to work on. Game on. I decided that, like last time I ran, I would leave my Garmin at home and just wear a watch. No point worrying about pace when scrambling over rocks. And it’s not like I don't know the route or distance.  

Countdown began, hooter went off. Time to get this show on the road. The first 6 miles just ticked by nicely, I chatted occasionally to people having no clue who I was chatting to most of the time. (It’s dark!) Although Ross did pass me saying, "I smell Chanel."  To be fair, it’s hard to miss someone dressed as Spiderman, even in the dark.

Ran a few miles with Fraser McCoull and chatted away which passed the miles quickly. Got through Drymen and gave thumbs up to my crew. I turned off my head-torch just as we went through a deer gate on the approach to Conic Hill and enjoyed the natural light for the climb ahead. Conic seemed to pass really quickly.

Was great to see Graeme Reid and his scouts at the top ready to climb the summit, an annual pilgrimage they do. I came off Conic the way I always do, very carefully. A few people passed me, tearing down. I was preserving my quads for later in day, no point trashing them when race has barely begun.

Into Balmaha bang on schedule (3.26). The car park was jumping, got lots of shouts from people which was great. I ran straight to The Oak Tree to meet crew as planned. Quick toilet stop and I ate whatever they gave me - rice pudding, I think.  Nick handed me a cup of tea -  I took one look at it and handed it back to him and asked him not to be on tea duties for the rest of the day.

Got big hug from Lucy and was chatting to her and Agnes when Ian walked through door. “Hello darling,” I said.  His reply: "Don't go hanging around in here, you're making good time and you’re 5th lady."  Lucy and Agnes burst out laughing and I burst out the door shouting to the crew I'd see them in Rowardennan. 

I've done this section probably more than any other and I love it. I was swapping places with Charlie Lees occasionally and at one point he was ahead on the hill and I saw him chatting to a girl. It looked like Rosie but I put that thought out my head - why would she be so far back? Two times winner and sub20 runner, this wasn't right. Alas it was. I caught up and she told me she'd fallen but was continuing, that time didn't matter anymore. Kudos to her and her courage.  

Got to Rowardennan (5.06) feeling good. No idea what I ate and drank here – just did what I was told by crew. Didn't hang around too long and set off knowing I'd not see them again till Beinglas. Lucy lives on Ben Lomond and she told me she'd left something for me at her gate so I trotted up there and there was a bag of chocolate hearts and a good luck card :)  It really put a spring in my step. Thank you Lucy x  

Got to Inversnaid, ate some rice, got water bottle topped up and headed off as quickly as I could. I knew there was at least a mile I could actually run here before scrambling started. The loch side was fairly slippery and, being so wee, I was struggling to get up and over some of the rocks. But, I still felt pretty good. It passed over quicker than expected and soon enough I was trudging up Dario’s hill. I stopped briefly to touch the post and say goodbye to Loch Lomond.  

Off again with a spring in my step knowing my crew would be at next Check Point. Arrived and found crew quickly. Stephen and Gill and everyone was busy looking after me, again I've no idea what I ate or drank, just took what was given and then got going again. Almost forgot I had to scan my chip but Tim grabbed me on the way past. (8.38) Off I went uphill.

Sun was out, the day was panning out nicely and I was in a wee happy place. Cow poo alley was pretty dry and soon enough I was at Crianlarich. There were a few people there supporting and I joked with them saying, "hurrah, official halfway point, just need to do this all again!" 

Still no downs, still felt great. Caught up with Leon Provis just before road crossing and he was struggling a bit there. Got into Auchtertyre and couldn't find my crew. I got weighed and scanned chip (10.43) saying I'd send crew back with card.   Got further up and suddenly crew all burst out car at once, made me laugh, comedy moment.

They told me I was still ‘too close’ to Paul to get support runner but I was cool with that. Took something off them, can’t recall what and off I went saying I'd see them up in Tyndrum. This section passed very quickly. I was thinking about the last time I raced when Kirsty had come out to hug me and lo and behold it happened again! :) I didn't think I'd see her as I knew she was supporting Carole. Lovely wee boost. I then came through gate and was crossing the river when I spotted Ian coming towards me! I shouted out and ran across water to give him a kiss. At that moment a lady had just come up the hill on her horse and said, "Aww, what a lovely moment, you've made my day, I hope she belongs to you!" I assured her I did.

Ian told me not to dally and to get running to meet my crew. So I did. Don't argue with the RD.  I stopped at road and suddenly clocked my fabulous crew jumping up and down, waving pom-poms and singing, " Give me an S, give me an A ..." lol just brilliant.


Everyone was looking at us as if we were nuts.  Think I might've changed shoes here but can’t remember. Ate and drank something, dunno what and off I set on my most favourite part of the course. I just love this section.  I spotted two familiar faces running towards me, it was only the fab Fionna Ross and Debs M-C - proper love this pic.   

I picked away at people and just kept moving forward. Kept closing in on someone but didn't quite catch him until we were at Bridge of Orchy. Hadn't realised it was Neil Rutherford until I saw Sarah waiting on him.   Arrived at Bridge of Orchy (12.44-pos 38) in great spirits. Ian was here too so got another quick kiss before being sent on my way, knowing that I’d broken the back of the race.

Nick and Susan both joined me up and over JBH. What a great sight to see Murdo’s flags and hear Pete Duggan playing his whistle. We arrived singing at the top of our voices, got hugs from Bob and Gayle Allison and left singing all the way down. Just brilliant. I love my crew.

Nick left us there and Susan and I trotted off towards Rannoch Moor. It’s never been my favourite section, which is why I decided to blast it on a recent training weekend. This was a good call and we worked our way through there slowly targeting people ahead and catching them. Susan ran on to get stuff ready at CP and I trotted on steadily.

Just towards the CP there was a huge boggy puddle which I tried to jump over. My legs are just too wee, though, and must've been a bit tired as one foot landed in and sucked my shoe right off! I landed in a heap next to watching my shoe sink down. Just at that moment Keith Mabbott who was supporting Charlie Lees arrived like a knight in shining armour. He stuck his hand right into the bog, retrieved my shoe, washed it in clean water and pulled me out of the bog. lol. Thanks Keith, you're a true gent. 

Into Glencoe (15.16 -pos 34), crew were super slick as ever and I was on my way leaving the fabulous Susan behind and Nick taking over from here. Susan met us at the bottom of the ‘Devil’ to give me a long-sleeved top in case it was cold up there. I'd been in a vest all day and been totally fine like that. I also had my jacket in a bag which I'd carried all day too.

We needn't have worried, weather was perfect and vest was enough. Nick has an internal jukebox and a wide array of songs to his repertoire so I got everything from Oasis to Buddy Holly blasting our way towards Kinlochleven. It was here that two guys passed us and one asked if my name was Sandra. He introduced himself as Dave Troman and said he’d been watching me throughout the day and I was the happiest, cheeriest runner he'd seen! Thank you, Dave. That really gave me a boost and it was lovely to meet you.  

Passed a relay runner here just as Nick was belting out Killers songs. He invited said relay runner to join in but she politely laughed and declined. Then she said, "Sandra!" It was my fetch friend Michelle. I had no idea she was even running - another lovely surprise. We said our farewells and ran on chasing Dave and his pal. Nick ran ahead to the Check Point to get stuff ready and I arrived woooping and singing, “Last checkpoint, woohoo," only to be told off by Julie for making too much noise. lol  

Chip swiped (18.07 pos 33), weighed and off I went with Susan again, knowing the final push was on. We chatted about times and finishing times and pondered about the sub 22.  Susan was confident and was constantly telling me things like, "That's another 30secs gained." This was a superb boost as that climb is just so unforgiving, especially on tired legs. She kept telling me that for every run it was more time in the bag and I complied whenever I could. Legs were starting to tire here but hey, we'd run over 80 miles - of course they were!

Nick had said he'd go to Fort William and run up and meet us on fire road so we could all finish this together. About a mile away from Lundavra, who should appear running towards us but Ian and Nick! :) What a brilliant surprise. We all ran back in together with Ian staying with me telling me that sub22 was on, that I needed to stay focussed and that he had done it before and so could I. No pressure then. Quick hello to everyone at Lundavra but no stopping.  

Kissed Ian goodbye and followed my crew up hill. The race starts here.  Steady progress was made all the way and as we approached the forest I remember that last time we had to put head torches on as we got here. Time before was even earlier.  Not this time, what a bonus. What a boost.   I was getting constant updates about mileage left and time left all way from Lundavra.

Susan and Nick kept glancing at watches anxiously. I tried not to let it worry me. I tried to tell myself that even if I was over 22 that was still big PB. I tried. But my crew had other ideas. Ian had left Nick in no doubt in car that he better keep me focused on getting it. Susan just kept telling me everything was ok, we're still on for it, keep going. “I’m so proud of you.” (crying now, thinking about it)

We hit the fire road like runners possessed. Nothing was stopping us. I just kept digging in, just kept running. At one point we came to two roads; Nick and Susan asked, “Which way?” I said "That way!" and off we went. Two mins later I started to question myself and said to them, I hope I've not taken the wrong road. They looked at me in horror and I just smiled and said “it'll be ok, I think this is right.” 93 miles in, everything starts to look the same.  


Finally got to Braveheart and onwards we ran. I started to need a few steps walking here and there.  Susan assured me I had time. Just walk to that tree, then we'll run again - she'd say - like I had the whole day. I just did what I was told. Suddenly a car appears and blinds us with its lights. It’s Stephen and Gillian. They shout words of encouragement, do a quick turn and speed back off to the leisure centre.  

30 mile sign, half a mile to go. Dig deep, keep going. Can’t. Lose. This. Now. Pass Devil finish then see sign that says 4metres to go. 4metres Sandra! Both Nick and Susan shout, “You can do this, it’s just round the corner. Go, go!” I get round the corner and see the finish line. Ian shouts YES! YES! He’s pumping his fist in the air. I knew I'd done it. Chip scanned. Finish time of 21hrs, 57mins. 5th Lady, 28th overall. OMG. Fell into Ian's arms crying.  

Hugs and congratulations from so many people at the end. Great to see Neal and Caroline who said they'd stayed to watch me finish. Massive hugs to my most fabulous crew.   I wish I could put into words just how incredibly grateful I am to them. I feel there are none that can possibly do it justice.